Monday, September 30

on homeschooling :: literature :: month 2

Wow! I can't believe that we've almost completed two whole months of this homeschool year so far!
We have really started to find our groove and have (mostly) been having fun while doing it.

A little bit about our reading list...
Most of these books are read for either history or writing/literature.
The wolf book was read for science.
After Audrey reads each book she has to write a "book page", which is basically a simple illustration followed by 3 or 4 sentences about the book.
This is teaching her how to summarize and is introducing her to a simplified way of writing book reports.
She also does a book page for every "free" chapter book that she reads.
We were updating her bookworm (our way to keep track of her chapter book progress) today, and sister has read 40 chapter books since school let out at the beginning of June!!
She's so excited because once she hits 50, she gets to go with me on a mommy/daughter movie date. :)

Most of the time Audrey reads these books on her own and then I read them after.
I figured, why not broaden my children's literature horizons as well?!
Now onto September's list...

peace, love, and all things sparkly.

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