Friday, September 7

five fancies on a friday

I came across this lovely print today on Pinterest.
Definitely words to live by.
Need this hanging in my home.

My 29th birthday is a little over a month away.
Eek! One more year until the big 3-0!
I'm thinking I want this cake.
It's so pretty I don't even mind the potential fire hazard burning away on top.

And speaking of the time of year...
Fall is just around the corner.
Are you ready?
I know I am!

This just makes me want to create something beautiful.
All of those colors are just so delish.

And finally, beautiful pictures of yummy looking foods are some of my favorite things to look at.
My current food porn obsession is donuts.



  1. I tried to comment on this on Friday evening, but my phone is not a fan of blogger.

    There are so many things on Pinterest I want to recreate, and I love that print you've got listed here.

    I also love all your theme posts. I wish I was as good a blogger as you are!

  2. Yucky phone! I know others who've had similar issues.

    Agreed. I have a running list of Pinterest inspired projects. :)

    Thanks, love! It means a lot that someone out there is reading (and enjoying) my posts. ;)


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